The LTSS Center Blog is the place where our researchers share their insights about the latest trends in the field of long-term services and supports, and offer updates about the research they’re conducting.
Our blog is also a place where you can discuss issues that matter most to you. Post your comments about a blog, and let’s get the conversation started!
We Need More Than More Affordable Housing
Policy makers should find ways to support housing-based services models in addition to supporting more affordable housing.
Why Researchers Need to Get Out More
Even our best research won’t have a lasting impact unless we use it to change policy and practice.
How to Gather Essential Healthy Aging Data
Detailed local health information is an essential resource for effective age-friendly community planning.
Is One Really the Loneliest Number? It Depends
How can we avoid turning our concern about elder loneliness into a fad that will eventually recede from public view without any workable strategies to address it?
How Research Can Transform Dementia Care and Caregivers
Even the greatest idea in the world will go absolutely nowhere without a robust evidence base and a trained workforce.
Seeing the Big Picture on Big Issues in State Capitals
State legislators need to work across committee lines to strengthen the LTSS workforce.
Fixing the LTSS Finance System
Close to 30 years ago, I decided to devote my career to the field of aging and focus on issues related to the finance and delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS).
3 New Studies Shed Light on Benefits of Housing-Based Services
The evidence is building for the benefits of using affordable senior housing communities as a platform for delivering services.
Can We Fight Ageism Without Turning Our Backs on Aging?
Are we taking the anti-ageism movement too far? In the process, do we run the risk of devaluing aging?
Listening to Consumers and Advocates Who Helped Shape a Health Plan
Interviewing members of the One Care Implementation Council and reflecting on their experiences.