The LTSS Center Blog is the place where our researchers share their insights about the latest trends in the field of long-term services and supports, and offer updates about the research they’re conducting.
Our blog is also a place where you can discuss issues that matter most to you. Post your comments about a blog, and let’s get the conversation started!
Workers at Risk: The Lessons of COVID-19
The coronavirus is showing us why we must support a workforce that older adults literally cannot live without.
Have We Failed Public Health?
Our nation’s lack of investment in the public health system—and that system’s lack of investment in vulnerable older adults—played a significant role in exacerbating the COVID-19 health crisis.
Reducing the Risk of Hospital Readmission After Post-Acute Rehab
Providers could use the results of a recent study to reduce the likelihood of rehospitalization after post-acute rehabilitation.
LTSS Center: Durable, Strong, and Resilient
After 3 years, the LTSS Center has become a cohesive team of researchers who have learned to be flexible and resilient.
6 Practices to Strengthen the Home Care Workforce
The Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts gave me one of my most memorable experiences of 2019.
Home Care Aides Stand Behind Every Successful Home Care Team
It’s time we did a better job of integrating home care aides into home-based care teams.
Refugees: 1 Solution to the LTSS Workforce Crisis?
There’s an untapped source of reliable workers that you may not know about.
Academia Meets the Real World at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting
How 5 days in San Diego reinforced the importance of applied research for one UMass Boston student.
Behind-the-Scenes Work Makes Research Possible
LTSS Center researchers can’t do their jobs without critical, behind-the-scenes work from non-researchers.
Harvard Housing Study: Is the Glass Half Full?
A study on housing older adults reveals some positive trends, and gives reason for worry.