The LTSS Center Blog is the place where our researchers share their insights about the latest trends in the field of long-term services and supports, and offer updates about the research they’re conducting.
Our blog is also a place where you can discuss issues that matter most to you. Post your comments about a blog, and let’s get the conversation started!
What Amy Poehler Taught Me About Public Health
State and local public health departments seeking to support caregivers of people living with dementia should follow the advice of a popular comedian.
Earth Day 2022: Why Climate Change Matters in Aging Services
We learned many things during the COVID-19 pandemic, but one lesson looms large: when bad things happen, older people are likely to suffer the most.
Building a Village at LeadingAge: Reflections on My DEI Journey
Adrienne Ruffin, a leader at the LeadingAge LTSS Center, reflects on her personal—and professional—journey to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of aging services.
Why It’s Imperative to Reimagine Assisted Living
Robyn Stone reflects on assisted living—a promising model that didn’t turn out exactly as it was intended.
Giving Thanks in the Face of Disparity
Robyn Stone decries the health disparities that challenge older adults with low incomes, but gives thanks for a housing model that can help reduce those disparities.
My Perfect World
Robyn Stone imagines a perfect world in which housing options abound and integration of housing and health is commonplace.
What Can YOU Do to Resolve the LTSS Workforce Crisis?
Each one of us must be honest about what we can do better to support and strengthen the LTSS workforce—here and now, and with the resources currently at our disposal, writes Robyn Stone.
Post-Pandemic: CNAs Can Help Improve Nursing Home Care
We now have a cohort of experienced certified nursing assistants who have worked through a health crisis. Let’s use their knowledge to improve nursing home care.
The ROI of Workforce Development
Workforce development is a business investment, not a business expense, writes Robyn Stone.
Being Ready is the Name of the Game
The LeadingAge LTSS Center was ready when COVID-19 focused public attention on the need to strengthen the LTSS workforce. Now, policymakers are listening to our research-based recommendations.