The LTSS Center Blog is the place where our researchers share their insights about the latest trends in the field of long-term services and supports, and offer updates about the research they’re conducting.
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Behind the Dollar Signs: What’s the SASH Value?
The practice of embedding staff in affordable senior housing communities allows them to develop relationships with residents and proactively address potential concerns in a flexible manner.
How Good Data Can Help Low-Income Elderly Age in Community
Affordable senior housing communities could make a dramatic difference in the lives of low-income older adults, writes Robyn Stone.
Let’s Stop Building “Memory Care Units”
How do we design and deliver the very best services and supports to older people living with dementia? Dropping “memory care” from our language would be a great first step.
How Congregate Housing Can Help Reform the Health Care System
Policy makers seem to have forgotten that people don’t live in hospitals or physician offices. In the process, they seem to be ignoring the fact that housing could be one solution to health-related challenges.
Wake-Up Call from the IOM: We’re Not Ready to Meet Geriatric Mental Health Needs
A 2012 report from the Institute of Medicine draws needed attention to the startlingly high prevalence of mental health and substance abuse-related conditions among older adults.