The LTSS Center Blog is the place where our researchers share their insights about the latest trends in the field of long-term services and supports, and offer updates about the research they’re conducting.
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Taking Ownership of Career Advancement
Providers must invest in the career advancement of team members, writes Robyn Stone. Otherwise, their missions may soon be at risk.
LeadingAge Leadership Fellowship: A New Year’s Resolution We Got Right
Most of us don’t follow through on New Year’s resolutions. That makes Robyn Stone even prouder of one resolution that came to fruition five years after it was made.
Living Up to the Promise of Assisted Living
Assisted living will change the future of aging if providers can tap into the evolutionary spirit that spurred its early success, writes Robyn Stone.
As Summer Sizzles, LTSS Providers Have a Critical Role to Play
What can providers of aging services do to help older adults prevent the adverse outcomes associated with heat waves? LTSS researchers have suggestions.
Experience Motivates Caregivers to Plan For Their Future Care Needs
A 2023 study explored how the caregiving experience motivates family caregivers to start planning for their future care needs.
How Can We Improve the Lives of People Living Alone with Cognitive Impairment?
A national team of researchers is studying ways to support older people living alone with cognitive impairment. Housing providers can help, writes Robyn Stone.
A Resource to Help You Add Refugees to Your Team
A new LeadingAge resource can help you recruit refugees and asylum-seekers to work as professional caregivers in your organization.
Guiding Caregivers Along the Path to Happiness
Enabling team members to pursue their happiness might be the key to solving our workforce crisis, write Jenna Kellerman and Robyn Stone.
5 Reasons to Applaud a Housing-Based Training Program
Robyn Stone is counting the reasons she’s delighted about a new project to strengthen the affordable senior housing workforce.
Immigration Policies Must be Ethical and Equitable
Immigration policies can help address the global workforce crisis, writes Robyn Stone. But those policies must benefit all nations, not just wealthy nations.