LeadingAge and UNCF: Promoting Diversity Together

In 2020, LeadingAge and the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) formed a partnership aimed at increasing awareness of careers in the field of aging services among underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, improving racial and ethnic diversity among mid- and senior-level positions in the sector, and helping providers retain staff.
Aging Services Diversity Fellowship Program
Following the recommendations of an advisory board of LeadingAge members, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU), and minority-serving institutions, LeadingAge and UNCF decided to establish the Aging Services Diversity Fellowship Program to fast-track individuals with high potential who want to enter the field of aging services.
The one-year, employer-based Aging Services Leadership Diversity Fellowship Program is designed for recent graduates of master’s programs or mid-career professionals with five or more years of experience in their chosen work area. Ten fellows will participate in the program’s pilot year and serve as full-time employees in mid-level, non-clinical positions at provider organizations.
The fellowship program represents a crucial first step in diversifying the leadership teams of participating organizations. The program’s cohort learning model will provide a community for the new leaders in aging services, create a shared learning experience, support the development of future professional relationships, and put fellows on a path to career success.
LeadingAge is currently securing funds to support the Aging Services Diversity Fellowship Program, which is tentatively slated to begin in Fall 2024.
For more information
For more information about the UNCF/LeadingAge partnership, contact Natasha Bryant.
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